
Don’t Let that Bug See You Naked

As I climbed out of the shower and started drying off I saw it!  A STINK BUG crawling along the toilet!  It freaked the living daylights outta me. I wrapped the towel around me and calmly got some toilet paper, grabbed it and threw it in the toilet and flushed. Phew that was over with. […]

What was that?

Driving to work the other day I passed a fairly new electronic road sign warning of construction ahead. It flashed the details and then something unusual came up: Loved it!

RP: Fart

Yes I said FART! “Pass the Gas”,”Piffication”, “Cut the Cheese” or my Mother’s favorite “Poo Poo POP!” This topic can be funny or horrifying depending on the person. Most don’t want to admit how funny they find it. I was informally dating “Boat Boy” and at the last minute he came over one night. We […]

Wanna laugh?

Chelsea Handler’s opening monologue last night (11/11/2009) had me laughing so hard that if I were older I might have peed myself: I didn’t think anything could make me laugh harder. Until… I saw this scene in “The Ugly Truth”: This movie is a keeper if for nothing else… That scene.

Relationships are best measured by farting

Stages of a Relationship can best be defined by farting. From the movie “Love and Other Disasters“. Hilarious!!!

Luv It!

Thank you VHMPrincess for the link to Awkward Family Photos.  I could spend MANY useless hours here laughing hysterically. Here is my favorite: This is just so wrong.

…a little F-16 in my pants

Well… Not my pants… Her pants.  Actually… Many womens pants… Oh just go read.  So this will make two in a row where I haven’t actually written anything but I find enlightening all of you just as important and if it makes you laugh… All the better. I got this email the other day and I didn’t […]